01 Nov
Development of Small e-Commerce Business

The analytical department of online trading platform analyzed various aspects of the work of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of Internet commerce last year. Based on the results of the study, the main trends in the development of this sector were presented.

We classify the companies with small Internet business as the volume of orders of which does not exceed 100 orders per day. The study was conducted on the basis of 453 thousand similar companies that are registered on our platform.

“ At the moment, as our study shows, small e-commerce is a fast-growing segment in Uanet and this segment already occupies tens of percent of the entire e-commerce market of the country. The study shows the data of only one of the players on the market of trading floors. However, according to our observations, many other players are also growing at a pace ahead of the entire e-Commerce market. This means that the share of trading platforms and what we call small e-Commerce is increasing”.

The turnover growth for 10 months in 2014 amounted to 126%. At the same time, not every large e-commerce project can demonstrate similar growth rates in our crisis time.Ukraine's e-commerce

According to analysts, the most effective scheme for small and medium-sized businesses in the industry is to combine offline and online sales via eCommerce channels, the results of such activities are much more successful than a clear focus on any one kind.

Another positive trend is the fact that despite the growth of small-scale e-commerce projects on the site, the average number of their orders increased by about 25%.

In this regard, it becomes clear that with increasing supply, demand also increases proportionally, and the market has not reached its resource limit, at which the appearance of new players means an inevitable decrease in demand for each of them.

In addition, interregional sales are developing very actively, which significantly improves the sales situation, publicly available delivery methods, for example, “New Mail”, make it possible for the client not to get attached to his city on the Internet, fearing delivery difficulties.

In general, small e-commerce has a very active pace of development, showing results much better than in large businesses.

How does the size of a blog post affect popularity?

There are two opinions on this subject, in fact, they are as follows: the more, the better, or brevity - a cousin of talent.

The opinions of marketers and bloggers themselves on this subject were divided, but, in fact, each approach has certain advantages and disadvantages.

In order to determine how much text should be, it is worth answering yourself two questions:

Who is your target audience?
How long do you need to keep the attention of your audience?
From the point of view of consumers, the second method works, the shorter the better. The public loves when the author writes shortly and to the point, not teeming with long intros and lyrical indents. A striking example of the success of this method is Sed Godin, a successful blogger whose text often does not exceed 200 words.

Here are a few rules from Seth Godin:

If you are not sure that the text is good, do not publish it.
Less is actually more. The length of the post has nothing to do with impact on the audience or with your popularity.
Twice increasing the size of the post does not lead to an increase in communications, but, on the contrary, as a rule, reduces their number.
This approach provides several advantages, namely:

They avoid social silence by constantly updating their content.
The emphasis is on quality, not quantity.
Such content is quickly absorbed by your audience and is well remembered.
You are in constant contact with readers.
Short texts hold the audience’s attention well.
On the other hand, from some studies it becomes clear that texts within 2000-2500 words occupy the best places as a result of a Google search, the smaller the volume, the worse the results. That is, if your goal is to increase citation in search engines and improve your position in the tops, then long texts are your way.

It follows from this that the concept of an ideal text length does not exist. Depending on the goals and tools will be completely different.

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