11 Sep
Why is yoga good for health?

The sports and health complex of the Rassvet sanatorium offers various types of physical activity: fitness and strength training, swimming and aqua aerobics, therapeutic exercise and yoga. All areas have a positive effect on health, but one of them attracts special attention. We are talking about yoga, which can be practiced by absolutely everyone: young and old, women, men and children with any level of physical fitness, and everyone will receive invaluable benefits. 

What is the secret? Is it worth doing yoga and why?

Why Yoga is Good for Your Health

Yoga is not just fitness, but a complex of physical exercises, breathing techniques and concentration practices. It is a whole philosophy, an ancient teaching, and for many, a way of life. Yoga develops a person comprehensively - through the body, mind and emotions, and also helps to achieve harmony of physical and psychological state. Systematic exercises have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, allowing you to achieve mental balance.

Let's talk in more detail about the benefits of yoga:
Improves the condition of the spine and posture. Asanas cope with pinched nerve endings, eliminating pain in the back and neck.Reduces anxiety, eliminates fears, helps to relax, improves overall well-being. This fact has been scientifically confirmed and proven.

The Role of Yoga for the Health of Men and Women

If we talk about the health benefits of yoga for women and men, we need to touch on the topic of hormonal balance. Physical exercises combined with breathing practices help improve the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas. As a result, minor disorders in the sexual sphere, mainly caused by a poor emotional state, go away. Due to relaxation and improved well-being, sexual health returns to normal.

For women, yoga is beneficial in the following ways:
normalizes the menstrual cycle;relieves PMS symptoms;slows down aging;reduces menstrual pain;relieves migraines;relieves tired legs after walking in heels;helps to reduce and maintain weight;strengthens the nervous system.

How yoga affects a child's body

There are many reasons why children should practice yoga. The advantage is that you can start at any age, even without physical training. Usually, children are especially interested in yoga, and they practice it with pleasure (it is very important that there is no competitive element, which often causes anxiety in a child).

In addition to improving the emotional background, yoga brings the following benefits:
forms correct posture and reduces emerging disorders;develops coordination and flexibility;teaches you to control your body and feel your muscles;develops concentration and attention;teaches control and self-control, reduces aggression.Important: When to do yoga and when it is not recommended

There is an opinion that there are no indications and contraindications for yoga. This statement is only partly true. Almost everyone can practice yoga, but there are still restrictions for some diseases. This applies to exacerbation of chronic diseases, including:
bronchial asthma;allergic rhinitis;hypertension;varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Absolute contraindications include:
malignant neoplasms;borderline mental states;organic heart disease;neuroinfections;blood diseases;mental disorders;gallstones.

There is a large list of indications for yoga:
osteochondrosis, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis and other problems with the spine;arthrosis and arthritis;asthenia;chronic fatigue syndrome;vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The main thing to remember is that yoga, even in its simplest form, can be quite dangerous without the guidance of a competent instructor. Some asanas are difficult to perform without help, other poses require special flexibility, and others are not recommended for older people. Breathing exercises are even more difficult than asanas, and only an experienced trainer can assess the correctness of their implementation.







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