11 Oct
How to get rid of cellulite with Yoga

In most cases, cellulite is a purely aesthetic problem. For the female body, this is a normal phenomenon that does not pose a health risk. Sometimes it develops into a disease – inflammation of the subcutaneous fat, but this happens rarely and only with serious endocrine disorders.

Modern anti-cellulite products are often ineffective, although it is still possible to smooth out the hated bumps. But to do this, you need to not listen to the promises of advertisers, but "recognize the enemy in the face" and study the nature of cellulite.

The nature of "orange peel"The appearance of cellulite is caused by the structure of collagen fibers in the dermis. In men, they are located crosswise and form a dense mesh. In women, the fibers are located parallel - this explains the softness of women's skin compared to men's. And if collagen fibers become thinner, lose elasticity, and the subcutaneous fat layer thickens, "supporting" the dermis from the inside, the skin surface becomes bumpy.

The strength and elasticity of collagen fibers, as well as subcutaneous fat, are affected by hormones, level of physical activity, nutrition, etc. Some women, even with excellent health, have a specific structure of the dermis, which is why cellulite occurs even in fit, sculpted athletes.

Causes of cellulite

Excess weight.

Increasing in volume, the subcutaneous fat layer disrupts the structure of the dermis and leads to the formation of "orange peel".Swelling. Fluid that accumulates in the subcutaneous fat also increases the "lumpiness."Circulatory problems. Due to poor blood circulation, the dermis does not receive enough nutrients, the production of collagen and elastin is inhibited, and connective fibers lose elasticity.

Bad habits.

Smoking and alcohol abuse disrupt metabolism, worsen skin condition and overall blood circulation.Age-related changes. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and the percentage of fat increases, which increases the appearance of cellulite.Hormonal processes. 

Hormones play a role in fat metabolism, water-salt balance regulation, and skin condition. Adolescence, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, and endocrine disorders can trigger the development of "orange peel".All these factors rarely act alone – they are united by a cause-and-effect relationship. 

Poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits lead to weight gain. Excess weight is accompanied by swelling, poor circulation and hormonal imbalances. Bad habits aggravate all of the above, and age makes the changes irreversible.

How to get rid of cellulite with Yoga

Take a comprehensive approach to solving the problem – regular exercise over yoga mat and walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, cosmetic procedures. This will not only reduce unevenness on the skin, but also make you slimmer, healthier and more attractive.

Physical activity

Choose the type of physical activity that you like – running , swimming, aerobics, strength training, dancing. All of them help burn extra calories, have a positive effect on hormonal levels and improve blood circulation. Exercise 3-4 times a week, but try to increase your activity the rest of the time: walk in the fresh air, do light exercises during breaks from sedentary work.

Strength training is especially useful. Muscles that increase in volume act like the filling of a sofa – they smooth out the crumpled “upholstery”. The fat layer becomes more uniform, and unsightly lumps and dimples on the skin are smoothed out.

Train 3-4 times a week. Focus on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks , biceps , triceps , calves . Focus on lunges, deadlifts , arm curls and extensions, and toe raises. Start with minimal weights and gradually increase them as your strength increases.

Swimming is also a great option. Active body movements in the water burn a lot of calories, and contact with cool water stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, improving its condition. At the same time, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, which subsequently protects against the development of cellulite and cardiovascular diseases.

If your body fat percentage is already quite low (less than 19%) and your lumps are still very visible, try HIIT. High-intensity interval training helps burn fat in the most problematic areas for women, where cellulite most often forms. This is due to a special effect on the hormonal system, as a result of which beta-adrenergic receptors of fat cells are activated.

Do HIIT-style cardio 2-3 times a week. Choose exercises that match your fitness level. For beginners – walking lunges, easy jumps, etc., for more experienced ones – burpees , dynamic exercises in the plank, etc.

Proper nutritionMonitor the quality and quantity of food you eat. If the main cause of cellulite is excess weight, a calorie deficit is necessary. Calculate your daily calorie intake taking into account your physical activity and subtract 10-20% from the resulting figure - this will be the number of calories you need to eat per day.
Review your food basket. 

Limit the consumption of foods that provoke swelling and worsen blood circulation - salted fish and canned vegetables, trans fats, spicy foods, alcohol and foods containing a lot of cholesterol. Pay attention to the composition of products: the more foreign additives with mysterious names there are, the higher the likelihood that these substances will not be absorbed by the body and will clog the kidneys, causing swelling.

Eat protein foods – meat , fish, eggs, cottage cheese. The amino acids contained in them are necessary for the renewal of protein structures of collagen, for the growth and maintenance of muscles. Fats are also important for elastic skin and a healthy hormonal system – get them from nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, sea fish.

Cosmetic procedures

Effective anti-cellulite procedures stimulate lymph and blood flow in adipose tissue, reducing swelling and accelerating the renewal of collagen fibers. Therefore, any manipulations must be intensive to affect the deep layers of the dermis and the subcutaneous fat layer.

 Such procedures include:

Massage. The ideal option is a qualified massage therapist who will carefully work on problem areas. But a regular anti-cellulite massager will also bring results if you perform the procedure regularly (4-5 times a week). If you are prone to varicose veins or rosacea, do not buy a vacuum massager.

Mesotherapy. Injections of hyaluronic acid or other active preparations stimulate collagen production and normalize lymph circulation.

A contrast shower keeps your skin toned and stimulates blood circulation. Master the procedure gradually, starting with a smooth alternation of warm and slightly cool water and eventually moving to a sharper contrast and a long (10-15 seconds) cold phase.Alternatively, you can try a Charcot shower – the effect on the skin of shock jets with alternating temperatures.

Additional measuresQuit smoking – this habit not only leads to the development of “orange peel”, but also worsens health in general. Wear comfortable clothes that do not squeeze the skin and do not impair blood and lymph circulation. 

The same applies to underwear. Drink more liquids – clean water, weak green tea, herbal infusions.

Common Questions About Cellulite

Are anti-cellulite creams and oils effective?In the vast majority of cases, no. In France, cosmetic companies are even prohibited from writing the word "anti-cellulite" on their products, so as not to deceive the consumer. The exception is products with hyaluronic acid, which stimulate collagen production. 

Are there any special exercises for cellulite?

No. It is impossible to get rid of fat locally, and cellulite too. But any physical activity combined with diet will reduce the fat layer and the appearance of "orange peel", and the increased muscle volume will smooth out the skin.

Final Words

Work on yourself, eat right and exercise, but don't get hung up on cellulite. It's a natural phenomenon for a girl and it doesn't harm your health. If your body is slim, athletic and fit, a few dimples won't spoil it. Remember that the main aspect of body care is loving it.

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